Live-In Care

A Nursing Home Alternative, That Is Better

Elders can live safely and independently in their own homes for the rest of their lives with the help of live-in care. A live-in caregiver offers a secure setting in the family home that gives them comfort due to the continuity of their preferred daily routine.

Elders receive customised care in comfortable settings so they can keep living the way they want to. They feel a sense of security and belonging when they are surrounded by the things they love most about their house—the garden, their pets, and their neighbourhood neighbours.

The cost-effective and enjoyable alternative to a nursing home is live-in care. The emotional strain of packing up one’s entire life is nonexistent. We customize a care plan for your loved one based on their lifestyle.

Need Assistance For Your Loved Ones

The Benefits of Using Fembistem Healthcare Solutions

Urgent Attention

While a nursing home is often a first consideration for families in planning the care of a loved one, the search process may take considerable time and effort. Furthermore, after finding a suitable nursing home, there are often long waiting times to get an available bed. Our live-in-care service is ready to meet your loved ones needs and preference as soon as you are ready to have us start. With no waiting lines, you have instant peace of mind.

Maintain Contact With Family and Friends

Your loved one can continue to live at home and be near to their loved ones, neighbours and the local community. They can remain connected to the significant individuals in their lives. Friends are much more likely to visit them at home because it can be upsetting to go to a facility where strangers are acting in a disturbing way. People will want to visit your loved one more frequently if it is more private and comfortable.

Live Your Life & Keep Your Lifestyle

Your loved ones have a say in how they spend their time. Your loved ones can pick the foods they want to eat (taking into account any medical requirements, cultural and national preferences), when they would like to eat, the music they would like to listen to, the places they would like to go, and the people they want to visit.

The Finest Care Available

Every day, our caregivers watch over your loved one and note any behavioural or physical changes. Only live-in care provides this kind of close supervision from experts who are familiar with your loved. Due to the considerable level of staff turnover, this type of health monitoring is not usually feasible in an institutional context.

Need Specialised Staff?