Live-In Care

A Nursing Home Alternative, That Is Better

That was our goal when we founded Fembistem  HomeCare  to have the best employees deliver superior services to people who needed them the most. We managed numerous prosperous recruitment firms in the past, and we are passionate about being a provider and employer of choice, driven by her own principles of sincerity, professionalism, and integrity. Fembistem  dedicated to improving the lives of our most defenceless citizens. A knowledgeable, motivated, and creative team that is committed to being a leader in the delivery of services to the aged and disabled supports .

We Are Committed to

Urgent Attention

The choice of a nursing home is frequently taken into account when you determine that your loved one need more care than you can offer. But it takes a long time and requires a lot of work to choose a suitable institution and wait for a bed to open up.

With Live-In Care, Carers can be chosen right away to meet your Loved One’s needs and preferences. No waiting lists exist. The caregiving may begin right away, and more importantly, your peace of mind.

Maintain Contact With Family and Friends

Your Loved One can continue to live at home and be near to their loved ones and the local community. They remain interested and connected to the significant individuals in their lives because of their home environment.

Friends are much more likely to visit them at home because it can be upsetting to go to a facility where strangers are acting in a disturbing way. People will want to visit the Elder more frequently if it is more private and comfortable.

Live Your Life & Keep Your Lifestyle

You don’t have to make any concessions when using Live In Care. You have a say in how you spend your time. You can pick the foods you want to eat (taking into account cultural and national preferences), the time you like to eat them, the music you like to listen to, the places you go, and the people you visit.

The Finest Care Available

Every day, our caregivers watch over your loved one and note any behavioural or physical changes. Only live-in care provides you with the kind of close supervision from experts who are familiar with you. Due to the considerable staff turnover, this type of health monitoring is not feasible in an institutional context.

Need Specialised Staff?