Dementia CAre

Anytime, everywhere, We are here for you

It can be challenging to know what to do when the behaviour of our loved one changes. At Fembistem, we are prepared to assist in enhancing the quality of life for those with dementia and their caregivers. Regardless of how a person’s behaviour affects their care, we are here to help.

Our approach begins by carefully collaborating with you, your loved, their support system and carers – offering the knowledge and encouragement needed to enhance care and guarantee that the services individuals with dementia receive are adaptable to their needs.

We don’t have an age restriction to who we support. Therefore, you can still use our services whether you are a caregiver for someone who has young-onset dementia or childhood dementia. And if you’re unsure, get in touch so we can put you in touch with the appropriate support system.

Need Assistance

Support tailored to the needs of the people you love

It can be challenging to know what to do when behaviour changes have an influence on the care of those you love. We are prepared to assist.

Need Specialised Staff?
fembistem has specialised staff to service:
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who we assist

No matter where you or the person you support resides, it doesn’t matter. This might happen at home or in the neighbourhood, in daycare centres, respite facilities, or aged care facilities. Regardless of how a person’s behaviour affects their care, we are here to help. We also don’t have an age restriction, so you can still use our services whether you’re a caregiver for someone who has young-onset dementia or childhood dementia. And if you’re unsure, get in touch so we can put you in touch with the appropriate support system.